Oct 7, 2013 - tankar    Comments Off on Maya


Reading Time: 16 minutes

Fick först detta utläst om mig och min typ i Mayafolkets värld:


    The Eb type tends to be relaxed, courteous, practical, careful, and helpful. They tend to be pleasant people who enjoy good company and who best relate to others casually. They are generous and giving persons who usually expect nothing in return.
    Relationships are very important to them and are often the centrepiece of their lives. This need conditions them to make sacrifices for others.

    Eb types are often perceived as ambitious and hard-working. They are intensely practical, they know how to solve problems, they don’t hesitate to get going when needed, and they do good work. They will compete with others, but prefer peace to conflict.

    Persons born under Eb may appear easy going and compromising, but they are also easily distressed and are known to hide deep hurts and feelings.

    Eb types are often quite sensitive, are sometimes emotionally fragile, and are easily hurt by rejection or criticism. They tend to hold on to feelings of anger and resentment and often use hard work as a means to constructively ventilate those feelings.

    While they are slow to get going, Ebpeople are quite persistent and will finish a job or achieve a goal. They are very practical and capable of solving problems; many become designers or engineers of some kind.

    In general, this is a conservative day-sign that seeks peace with the world.

    Challenge: To avoid poisoning themselves by suppressing anger.

    Solution: To let others know how they feel.

    Tone: 3 (Action)
    • Playful
    • Active
    • Joy
    • light
    • Happiness

    Movement, Communication. Three energy is very eloquent in all types of self-expression. The basic movement being a vibration, Three persons are rhythmic to the core. They are often restless, as motion is their nature.
    By working closely with the energy of Three, any person becomes more able to predict motion of all kinds. The frequency of Three is filled with light, movement and activity. It lightens the darker energies that pervade the world today.

    Tone Three frequency can restore the spirit, put life and situations into perspective and bring balance. People born with the Tone Three energy will tend to ignore the problems of life.

    A Tone Three day is a good day to communicate, express, move and stir the pot!

Det var riktigt spännande att se problemen och lösningarna, då det är precis just dem som jag försökt jobba med den senaste tiden, att inte trycka ner mig själv av ilska som genereras av andra eller som jag själv skapar kring mig själv samt att försöka låta folk få förstå vad och hur jag verkligen känner.

Jag brukar alltid vara öppen med mig, så folk tror att jag visar för mycket och därför tar åt mig hårdare än andra – men saken är den att jag bara visar kanske 70% och sen ytterligare 10% till en extremt liten grupp som sällan ens går att räkna. Men min dröm är att visa 95%.

Men det handlar alltid om hur jag läser av andra, ser deras behov och försöker att komma på hur och vad jag kan göra för att fylla det år dem eller hjälpa dem.

Men jag försöker också hitta baksidorna. Det som inte är bra med mig, mina tecken och det jag gör – minns att jag en gång i tiden gav ett 50-tal vänner möjligheten att fritt få skriva ner tre bra och tre dåliga saker om mig helt anonymt och jag skulle inte hålla något av det emot dem sen. Det var intressant och lärorikt.

I dag vet jag att det är lätt att göra visa saker, som att tänka på tonfall och vad man ger tillbaka – men jag har också insett att bara för att det är lätt, så innebär det inte att man varesig kan eller skall ge tillbaka på det sättet.

Allt för ofta så handlar de viktiga sakerna i vårat liv om en lek på en skör tråd. Man skall göra si för att få så, och om den vill det, så skall den först göra så. Egna ansvaret. Egna viljan. Egna kraften är bortglömd. Det enda egna som folk verkar behålla är sorgen, då de gråter i ensamhet och tysthet. Vilket är synd, då tårar är en känsla och som alla känslor, så är det något som man skall dela…

Nåja, jag kollade vidare på nätetoch plockade fram följande själv också:

– Det skall verkligen bli spännande att ta sig tid att läsa igenom allt detta och försöka ta det till sig.

    The Mayan calendar has 20 signs and they follow each other, changing on a daily basis. Your birthday falls on one of the days of the 20 day cycle and this is called the Day sign. The Day sign shows your typical attributes. The core of your character begins to shape when you reach puberty around 12-13 years of age. Your life evolves around what your Day sign offers to you.

    Your higher self chooses your sign before you are born in to this world. You take into consideration your needs for evolving and growing spiritually. Your “Day Sign” provides you with your life mission that includes your strong and weak aspects. You forget all of this information the minute you are born, however. This sign guides you and reminds you of your spiritual essence and personal mission to help you evolve.

    Eb / Road
    Relaxed, courteous, thorough and useful. In addition, sensitive, touchy and easily hurt. Ambitious and hard working. Traveler.

    You are sympathetic, obedient, self-dedicated, a diligent worker and an organizer. You have a practical way of thinking. Even though you accomplish your goals and are very competitive, you avoid confrontations. In addition, you are a traveler, agreeable and idealistic. Due to your interests and skills, you can become a master in international trade as well as a contributor in doing good deeds in your community.[]
    There is a saying “Who knows more? The one who reads a lot or the traveler?” The best is to do both, but when it comes to the Road sign, traveling is the right choice. Being on the Road symbolizes being on a spiritual journey and growing, as well as traveling and learning. As a Road sign you discover your potentials outside the boundaries of your country. Through interactions with people from other countries, you find your place in life. You may choose to live where you can make a living and a career, instead of choosing to live where you were born. Also, having a relationship or marriage with a partner from a foreign country may be very suitable and good for you. []
    You are very delicate, extremely sensitive and think about seven generations ahead of you before you act upon something.[]
    You are hard working and you like to be with people. []
    The Road sign symbolizes the spiral of life that is called “the stairs that lead to heaven.” []
    You are lucky in love and you have the need to live various relationships in your life time. []
    You are a pioneer and a guide for opening the path for people, groups and communities. []
    Challenge: suppressing anger to avoid poisoning yourself.[]
    Solution: Letting others know how you feel.[]
    Signs that contribute to your growth: Road, Owl, Light, Seed and Rabbit.[]

    Your Galactic Tone

    The Mayan Calendar has a Galactic Tone that changes from the 1st to the 13th. It is good to know the sign of your birth date along with your Galactic Tone. This tone reveals the relationship between us and the divine plan. What you read above about the Day Sign involves your personal mission. You do not choose the tone you will be born with, this is more like a mission given to you. This is the energy you radiate to the people, society and the universe. It completes the qualifications that come to you along with the Day Sign.

    Tone: 3 (Action)


    * Playfulness
    * Active
    * Joyful
    * Weightless
    * Happiness
    Tone 3 represents movement and communication. You are very successful in expressing yourself.

    Your Trecana Sign

    Besides your birth day, it is important to know which Mayan week you were born into. Unlike the normal week structure we have, the Mayans have the Trecana weeks that are different. The Trecana has 13 days and each day is ruled by one of the 20 signs. The Trecana Sign you were born in gives you integral information about who you are.

    Your Day Sign is 75% and your Trecana Sign is 25% effective. If we compare the personality to a picture, the Day Sign will describe what is in the foreground, which is your face. The Trecana Sign describes what is on the background of the picture and this tells us about your personality.

    Oc / Dog
    You have many similarities with the symbol of this sign, the Dog. You are courageous, loyal, warm-hearted, smart and brave. You are sensitive and know how to enjoy life. Your playfulness helps you to understand the human nature well and that leads you towards success and wealth. You like traveling and you make a wonderful travel companion. You are sensitive towards the role you play in your community. You have a strong sense of communal consciousness. You are very creative with the interest towards music, drawing and painting. You need much variety in life.[]
    The Dog is the sign of discipline and justice. Therefore you cannot tolerate unfairness in life. Just like a dog, you smell and trace every track to reveal the truth and bring justice. You are a natural detective! Because of your sense of justice and protective attitude, you are respected in your community. You can move up in your community by becoming a lawyer, judge or prosecutor. However, you may have a tendency to impose your own thoughts of justice, so beware.[]
    A Dog’s loyalty and trust cannot be ignored.[]
    The Dog is also a sign of simple pleasures and unconditional love. []
    You like to live your relationships in a romantic and sensitive atmosphere. []
    When we look at the other side of the coin, we can see that lack of emotional maturity can be a problem for you. []

    Your Day Sign, Galactic Tone and Trecana Sign are the core elements of your Core Sign. Besides your Core Sign, there are also the four signs located in four directions.

    Your Tree of Life Signs

    According to the Mayans, there is a direct relationship between human beings and the universe. They believe that in the source of the universe, there is a living tree expanding into four directions. This tree is in the universal dimension and is duplicated on the human level as well. This means that we all have a four-directional tree of life, giving us four more signs in the four different directions: The Female sign, the Male sign, the Past Sign and the Destiny Sign. We discover which signs you have at each direction by using your birth date.

    We all have many aspects to ourselves. Due to the differences between the signs of your four directions, there can be some tension and contradictions in your life. The Mayan astrology is an important benefit because it allows you to know your different directions and help you to balance them in unity. Do not focus or get stuck only on the contrasts, try to see how these signs complement each other to your benefit.

    Four Directions and Their Meanings

    Your Past Sign and Your Destiny Sign

    The Past Sign and the Destiny Sign are signs that help you with your spiritual growth. Your childhood has been under the influence of the Past Sign till 12 to 13 years of age. After that you go under the influence of the Day Sign. However, the Past Sign is still a force that supports you. This is a familiar way of being and you trust it. The more you understand this sign and cooperate with it, the more it will support you. But, if you reject it and refuse to understand it, the darker side may come forward and this situation can block you or hold you back from growing spiritually.

    From the age of 40, you would be under the effect of the Destiny Sign. In this way, you are given a new mission in your life. However, you may feel the effect at an earlier age. The Destiny Sign is like a guide standing in front of you, showing the way to your spiritual evolution. You are not very familiar with this direction but as time passes by, it will reveal itself more and more to you. The better you understand this sign, the better it will guide you. Thus you will understand your destiny and you will realize it.

    Your Past Sign

    Kan / Seed
    You are organized, energetic and dynamic. Family, sexuality and mysterious awakenings are important in your life. You are very earthly, generally have good health and carry energy of abundance. According to the Mayans, people born on the Seed day will be rich and wise. Good luck will come to you if you focus on your life purpose. If you direct your life force towards the business or art of your choice, you will become a master of it, be rich and live a life filled with wisdom.[]
    You try to liberate yourself and others from karmic debt and overwhelming patterns of the past. The Seed must learn to be calm, avoid making simple mistakes and walk without stepping on its own tail in this lifetime. Life is full of tests and obstacles for you but these difficulties encourage you to find solutions and become resourceful. If you become fully aware of this situation and not give up on finding solutions you can rid yourself from many traps. In time you can even be a good advisor to others facing similar challenges.[]
    Do not forget to take care of the seeds you plant; you must water it and show the necessary attention to it. In one sense you are like the seed; you carry great potential but if you do not nurture it, growth will not occur. []
    Sexuality has great importance in your life. []
    You are a natural networker and very social. []
    You are a strong and organized thinker. However, you may lack flexibility of the mind at times. []

    Sign of Destiny

    Ahau / Light
    You are gentle, well-intentioned and generous. You are also courageous, intelligent and have a strong self-confidence. You were born on the day for taking the guidance of your ancestors. You reflect the purity and brightness of the Light. You are imaginative and have strong inner ideals. You are stubborn in your efforts to realize your ideals.[]
    The Aztecs say that this sign is the sign of poets, singers, dancers and creative artists. These types of vocations show the inner connection with a higher power. You can be an artist, hero or an athlete, or a wise visionary that leads people. You can be an artist or an artisan in one or more fields. If you are more of an intellectual, you can find beauty in numbers, math, science and philosophy.[]
    Light, being the last sign, signifies that you carry within you the highest level of developed consciousness.[]
    Relationships are the biggest challenge for you. []
    In this life time you are going through many life lessons. []
    You may have psychic abilities and have strong connections with the collective consciousness. []

    Your Male Sign and Your Female Sign

    Inside every human being there is a male and a female dimension. According to Taoism, they are defined as Yin and Yang. You should see these two as a support to your Core Sign. The Female Sign is your introvert side; Yin, is your passive side that does not come to the surface very often. It becomes apparent during intimate relationships and family life at home. The Male Sign, Yang, is your outgoing and active side. It becomes apparent during your professional relationships and those involving power struggles. It is the side you show to the world. It also affects your career life.

    The Male and Female signs are like a married couple within you. If this couple fights a lot, your being will be in much conflict; but if this couple gets along well, there will be peace and success for you. Therefore, it is important to see how these two signs complete each others’ contradictions and missing parts, eventually forming a unity.

    Your Female Sign

    Etznab / Knife
    Knife is the mirror of reality. You create the sparks of divine intelligence, just like a flint stone. You are social, brave, skillful, hard working, filled with divine intelligence, talented and have great ideas. You are known to be polite, accommodating and selfless. The ability to separate emotions from reality (just like a knife) is your talent from birth. Since you are very detailed oriented, you are more interested in technical subjects. You are skillful in solving mechanical problems as well as a good craftsman. You can even be a virtuoso for musical instruments. Unraveling the mystery of veils and revealing the mystic truths is another ability you have.[]
    To be aware of contrasts means to see the world as an arena of conflict. To choose one reality over another means going in to a conflict and being a warrior. This painful awareness makes this sign a potentially difficult one. As a Knife, you tend to see the world as black and white. One of your positive features is; your approach to seeing things as right or wrong results in looking at and correcting yourself first. []
    You have a mission of becoming the protector of truth. []
    The Mayans say that the Knife people are healers and this sign is related to healing. []
    Generally you are the person to solve the difficult problems []
    Even though you are generally fair and sensitive in relationships, you may over react and finish the relationship abruptly. []
    Defending the truth is more than just a political or legal defense. []

    Your Male Sign

    Cimi / Death
    You have a soft and feminine character and you are also smart, wise and romantic. Your politeness attracts abundance like a magnet and you manage to reach your goals. Your strong psychic abilities and emotional intelligence will bring success. You can become a respected and successful business person. You are well protected from accidents and sudden death. Illness will not happen unless you create it. []
    Do not be afraid of the word Death; according to the Mayans, this sign is one of the most fortunate signs. The most basic thing that Death symbolizes is “transformation”. The Mayan mythology explains how the heroic twins became gods by transformation. Death symbolizes the soul’s evolution and the death of the ego. This is why your spiritual transformations are properly done and the effects will remain for a long time. []
    Because of your strong spiritual power and guidance, you can provide others to have peaceful and calm transformations. []
    Subjects like death, life after death and mysticism always interest you. []
    You are lucky with love and may have many relationships. []
    You have a political awareness, you commit yourself to social services or at least you follow the daily political events. []



    Tzolkin Birthday
    Today is your spiritual birthday.
    The energy of the day you are born is fully active. Today you are in the day of Road and 3, and also week of the Dog. This is a very special day that comes around every 260 days. Therefore, today, life seems very meaningful to you. You are at a day that strongly reminds of who you are, why were born and what your life mission is. You can take big steps towards spiritual development by understanding yourself and your spirit. Take time off for yourself today and celebrate…
    Have you ever wondered? Sometimes you celebrate your birthday and you just don’t feel or experience anything special. And at other times, you live a very special day but it is not your birthday. Perhaps these kinds of days were your birthdays according to the Mayan calendar. So today is an ideal day to come together with your loved ones and have a party.
    What you are living today tells you about your life purpose and why you were born into your sign Road. You are also given messages and signs that remind you of your spiritual essence. These messages may come to you in various ways such as visions, intuition, dreams, symbols, something you read, in a conversation with someone, in a moment of decision, etc…
    The universe can give you a message in any way today and when it does, it is a good idea to take some time to reflect on it by meditating, taking a walk, going in to nature etc…
    The least you can do is spend a few minutes to reflect on what message you have received today before going to sleep. Do this with the awareness that you have received something valuable and meaningful in your life that can make a difference.
    Today is the day to correct your course of your life. If you are not living a life that serves your life purpose, the universe may try to steer you on to the right route and this can bring some painful lessons. But if you know your route, you can go a long way using the energy of today.
    An ideal way to start your day is to listen to your intuition and create new beginnings. Start anything that will be good for your soul like a new job, project, education, hobby or relationship. To create new intentions and make important decisions about your life is very beneficial for you. Any new beginning you make today will be fully supported by the universe. The seeds you plant today will grow in 260 days and become fruitful trees. It is an incredibly ideal day to receive any form of advice, counseling or healing.

Den blev en liten titt på ett annat ställe också, bara av ren nyfikenhet:

    Day Sign: 3-Grass (Maya: 3-Eb)
    Year: South-8 (Tikal System)
    13 Day Period: 1-Dog (Maya: 1-Oc)
    Night Lord: 1-Dog (Maya: 1-Oc)

    Introduction – The Astrology of Time

    The ancient Maya and Aztec astrologers studied the mysterious influence of the rhythms of the sky on earthly life. Everyone knows the Sun rises and sets every day — this is the basic rhythm of life around which we set our clocks and calendars. What the ancient astrologers discovered was that other time cycles existed that were multiples of this basic day cycle. This fact was discovered about 100 years ago in Europe and these cycles (there are many of them) are now called biorhythms.

    The most important time cycles in ancient Mayan and Aztec astrology are those of the day, 9-days, 13-days, and 20-days. Additionally, years are counted also, in groups of 4 and 13. Each day is then part of several other cycles, so no two days are exactly the same. Your Maya/Aztec horoscope below shows exactly where in each of the cycles you were born. Each category below examines a specific cycle and a specific aspect of your personality. Keep in mind that our personalities are complex and contain many contradictions. All of us present a different “face” depending on who we meet. The delineations below will reflect this, but they will also give you a clear picture of who you really are. The true value of astrology lies in self-knowledge, the first step to wisdom.

    Your Most Personal Traits — The Day-Sign of Your Birth

    Here are your strongest and most obvious personality traits. The delineation below describes who you are and how you appear to others, at least on the surface. In Aztec astrology this part of is your horoscope is your Tonalli, or Day-Sign, the form bestowed upon you by the Sun.

    Grass: Like most born on this day-sign, you are a very sensitive persons. You may be emotionally fragile, psychic, or simply very aware of the emotional and psychic dynamics that go on around you. It is this awareness that is at the core of your politeness and personal refinement. You can be easily hurt through rejection or by criticism, though you usually do not let on to others that something has upset you. You are soft on the surface but hard underneath.

    You have strong, almost driving, ambitions and you work very hard to achieve your goals. You don’t over-stress yourself, however, it is your persistence that counts most. You are competitive, but prefer to avoid direct competition. Working alone is often a good solution to your primary dilemma of self-interest vs. self-sacrifice. Ultimately, you want peace, almost at all costs, and will work very hard to avoid a fight or even bad feelings. []

    Your Deeper Self — The 13-Day Week of Your Birth

    Each of us reacts to the world around us in different ways. Our reactions are mostly unconscious; they represent what our deeper self needs. Our reactions both attract and repel us from things, people, and situations. What we like, what we like to do, and who we really are is shown by the 13-day week called the Trecena that we were born under. Each of these periods begins with the number 1 and the name of the day-sign that starts it. A number is attached to your position within the 13-day period that may be an important number for you.

    This is the third day of the 13-day period beginning with 1-Dog. Beneath your surface personality you are a person who is consistent in belief and very loyal. You are quick to dedicate your time to a cause and you are particularly serious and committed to your work. You will continue with a program or activity for years and can be an inspiration to others — but you can also be extremely stubborn. No matter how unconventional your lifestyle, once committed to it, you are there for life. You especially enjoy working with groups or with a team []

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